<3 Python

My dearest Python,

In February of 2019 I started a small, very niche project to fill a void of no malware focused SMTP honeypots. My goal was simple: improve my python and git skills. I was pretty enthusiastic when I wrote that blog, saying you are “awesome, I regret having not gotten into it [sic] earlier.” Yet I truly did not grasp the extent of your awesomeness. I have since expanded the original project and started a larger project thanks to you.

Clear, clean, and coherent.

Python, I love your syntax, you are tremendously well designed. How can anyone improve upon this beauty:

print(“Hello World”)

Your KISS-style ethos makes commenting the code almost unnecessary!


Python, I love your ingenuity. Not only is your fundamental philosophy of highly readable code brilliant but it gives your codes a beauty that other languages can only dream of. Your greatness clearly stems from the brilliant foundation your architects built long ago.


Python, I love your community. It’s huge and there is always help to be found on reddit, stackexchange, or a simple duckduckgo search. Pythonistas are always so helpful and often provide multiple excellent solutions to solve any conceivable problem.


Python, I love your documentation. Not only does the Python Standard Library grow and improve with every release but in rare cases where the standard library doesn’t provide, the pip community is amazing. A quality community library is never too far away.


Python, I love your multiprocessing module. Offloading functions to different processes gives me all the performance I could possibly need. I’ve never had a problem with your speed but I know that if I ever need more, Cython lets me compile you with C-like performance.


Python, this is not the end, merely the beginning! I have only touched on the ?C?s today. Who knows what future posts may bring? Debugging daemons, documenting dashboards, DevOPs!, dynamic data, design decisions? There are so many outstanding features of your ecosystem to list.

May the Force be with you,
